Firm: Otterson Law & Mediation, P.C.
Location: Anchorage - AK
425 G St #714
Anchorage, AK 99501
United States
- Tel : (907) 868-5050
- Fax : N/A
- Email : stafan@aklaw.pro

Stefan Otterson has lived and practiced law in Anchorage since 1988.
Stefan lived and worked in Europe for three years before attending the University of Utah, graduating suma cum laude in 1984. He received both an MBA and Law Degree from the University of Utah schools of Business and Law in 1988. Stefan started out in private commercial legal practice, but joined the Attorney General’s Office in 1990. There he was a child protection and juvenile delinquency prosecutor, and also represented the Divisions of Public Safety, Mental Health, and Medicaid. Since 2000 Stefan has practiced family law in courts all over Southcentral, Southwest and Northwest Alaska.
Stefan is also trained in mediation and collaborative law, and has been a mediator for the court system, and a child advocate (guardian ad litem).
Otterson Law & Mediation, P.C.
Our focus is on families. Anchorage family law attorney Stefan Otterson can help you manage any family situation, no matter how complex or delicate, and we will make sure you get the right kind of assistance.
If you have to go to court, everyone should be able to have a good Anchorage family law attorney on their side. Even the smartest, most capable people will have difficulty navigating the many technicalities and risks present in litigation. We do our best to make full representation affordable through wise use of highly educated and skilled staff. What happens to those that can’t afford an attorney? We offer advice and services to those who represent themselves. Be sure to visit our Family Resource Center for links to information related to self-representation. Our trial preparation services include consultations with an attorney and/or paralegal, document preparation, editing, and letter writing.
Very few law firms have the skills to provide the wide range of services we offer. Mediation and Collaborative Law require training most attorneys do not have. Collaborative Law offers a team approach which gives maximum support in the most efficient, productive way. Be sure to visit our pages dedicated to those approaches for more information.
No one else offers the personal touch that Anchorage family law lawyer Stefan Otterson provides.
Call us to find out how different the Otterson Law & Mediation, P.C. experience is right from the start.